May 19, 2020

Spotify Makes Exclusive Deal for All Joe Rogan Content - What's Next for Internet Creators?

Spotify Makes Exclusive Deal for All Joe Rogan Content - What's Next for Internet Creators?

Linh Dao Smooke and David Smooke discuss Joe Rogan's upcoming deal with Spotify and the potential implications for internet creators worldwide. Is this a turning point of the internet? Or just the next NBC licensing Friends and The Office to Netflix deal...

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Tune In to The Hacker Noon Podcast

Linh Dao Smooke and David Smooke discuss Joe Rogan's upcoming deal with Spotify and the potential implications for internet creators worldwide. Is this a turning point of the internet? Or just the next NBC licensing Friends and The Office to Netflix deal? ... Which was a pretty big deal for Netflix claim to the video streaming market share... Plus we discuss - all while walking in Colorado - how the pandemic has levelled the playing field for limiting production value. Things like Some Good News. If you can, might as well: MAKE SOMETHING TODAY. 

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